Having cut out the paper templates and written on the number of plain and white pieces it was time to cut out the pieces. For E and F I will use my rotary cutter to cut the rectangles rather than using the template.

When drawing around the paper templates, as they are small, the chalk pencil gave too thick a line so I used a HB pencil instead which was more accurate.

A and B are reflections of each other so I drew around one and folded then cut out to get one of each shape, then repeated three more times. I used my rotary cutter to freehand cut out the shapes. Perhaps this was not the best plan and if I had more patience, pinning and using small scissors would have been more accurate, but hey, it worked.

The D print block is symmetrical so again you can fold and cut two at a time. Anything to save 5 minutes :). As the print pieces are quite large in this block I chose a fabric with a larger pattern. I am using the Moda Fluttering Leaves range.

Finally all pieces cut out and now it is time to sew. I have decided to first sew the 3 pieces A,C and B. Then I will sew the centre section and somehow try to sew the rows together? Aghhhh…..

When Ironing the centre pieces I ironed the outside two pieces in the opposite direction to the centre piece to enable them to line up better by butting the seams together.

You can see how good the points are by using this method.

Now is the time to sew the outside bits, horrific thought. I have decided to sew the top and bottom pieces, starting at the end and sewing three straight line sections, pivoting the material at each change in direction. When I sew the last two pieces on I will sew from the middle to the end then do the otherwise from the edge to the centre to join. Well, its a plan anyway so here goes……

Well, I am happy with that. Not the easiest thing in the world to do but the final result is OK. Finished size 5″ square so pretty good.

Trudi’s block in Batik fabric.

Well I hope you have enjoyed reading my trials and tribulations.

Until next time ……



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We’re Julie and Trudi

Welcome to our little corner of the internet. We are a mother and daughter duo who live far apart. We started crafting together online to spend some time in each others company and grew from there. From strangely cut squares to now having our own little Etsy shop it has been quite a journey. Join us as we continue to craft and grow, and occasionally have to do some unpicking.

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